Sheila's Suicide Note?
Last updated: 26.01.15
At Jeremy’s trial in 1986, no evidence was called relating to the Bible that was discovered next to Sheila. After Jeremy’s legal team reviewed the note that was protruding from between the pages, it could also be seen that a piece of crocheted material was between or underneath one of its pages. Essex Police concealed the existence of this note.
Mr Terzeon was Jeremy’s Solicitor in 1986, and he requested to see photographs of the Bible next to Sheila. On a visit to Witham Police station he had requested to see the master bundle of photographs of the crime scene but no pictures of the Bible were given for him to view - he was told there were none. It is odd, then, that years later these pictures were eventually released by Essex police.
In 2005, research began into the photographs. No mention was made in the incident property register of this note or the cloth in the photographs. Essex Police should have carried out forensic analysis on these articles. DI Cook’s fingerprint tests on items found at WHF makes no mention of the Bible or the other items being fingerprinted. As Jeremy was accused of staging the crime scene, surely a vital piece of evidence might have been found on these articles?
Mysteriously this document has surfaced which tells us the articles were in fact fingerprinted but whose prints were on the bible? There is no possibility that they were Jeremy's because the prosecution would have used this at trial. The Bible was either returned to Jeremy’s relatives the Boutflour's or destroyed as part of the destruction of exhibits during 1996 despite a court order to preserve them.
There were a number of bloody fingerprints on certain pages of the Bible as you can see in the pictures, so who did these belong to?
The paper protruding from the bible shows the words ‘Love one another’. These words come from the passage John Chapter 13. We know that according to Dr Ferguson (Sheila’s Psychiatrist) Sheila’s mental illness was often influenced by conflicts of good and evil and ideas of the devil being in people as well as her being obsessed about God and religion.
To see a report by Dr Gillingham of Oxford University on the significant pages of the Bible click here. To read PS Adam’s statement about the Bible and Sheila Caffell’s body being moved after the tactical firearms officers had left the house at 8.45am click here.