New CCRC Submission

Eight Issues were submitted to the Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCR) during March 2021.

Each issue contains multiple grounds and the CCRC are currently investigating these further.

Issue 1 - The silencers – The corpus of evidence that two silencers featured in the case and were forensically examined. There are multiple grounds regarding chain of evidence and contaminate issues.

Why is this important? One example of the many grounds here is on the Crown’s assertions that a tiny flake of blood inside one of the silencers was a match for Sheila Caffell only. The jury were not told it was also an exact match for the beneficiary Robert Boutflour. This links to Issue 6 and Issue 8.

Issue 2 – The telephone calls – Substantial fresh evidence regarding the telephone call from Nevill Bamber to Jeremy and two phone calls to the police, one made by Nevill at 03:26, one made by Jeremy at 03:36.

Why this is important? This is Jeremy’s alibi. The Crown told the jury that a single phone call was made from Jeremy to the police. Proving that Jeremy and the police had a call from Nevill Bamber to alert them to the unfolding incident is Jeremy’s alibi.

Issue 3 – The integrity of the scene – Detailed grounds including fresh evidence regarding the police interference with the scene and the exhibits.

Why this is important? Movement of items and the deceased by the police prior and during crime scene photographs being taken which contradicted evidence in disclosed police statements. An untruthful and inaccurate scenario was then created by the police at a later stage in an attempt to implicate Jeremy Bamber.

Issue 4 – The windows at White House Farm - Multiple grounds in relation to the kitchen and the downstairs shower room windows that undermines the Crown’s evidence at trial.

Why this is important? The windows were supposedly Jeremy Bamber’s means of entry and exit to the locked house. The fresh evidence proves there was no signs of forced entry and therefore, no one entered the house.

Issue 5 – Sheila Caffell – Multiple grounds which prove Sheila was alive until after the raid team entered the house. In addition, fresh evidence regarding Sheila at the scene.

Why this is important? Jeremy Bamber was standing outside the house in the company of many police officers when activity was logged as occurring within the house. Therefore, he cannot have been involved.

Issue 6 - Photographic issues – Multiple, very focused grounds regarding the non-disclosure of case photographs in respect of many individual case issues.

Why this is important? One example is that Essex police and scientists took lots of photographs of the case silencers which have never been disclosed. These would prove two featured in the case but were merged into one exhibit which the crown claimed was on the gun and had blood inside from Sheila Caffell. This links to Issue 1.

Issue 7 - Complaints against police officers – Detailed and focused on the actions of two key police officers and their interference in the case from 1985 to date.

Why this is important? The senior Scenes of Crime officer, DI Cook, and the Senior Investigating Officer, DSI Ainsley, retained undisclosed case material and exhibits they later supplied to members of the public. They were responsible for a range of actions in manipulating the case including lying to the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Issue 8 - Inheritance issues – Multiple grounds regarding the actions of the beneficiaries in the case and how the jury were deceived.

Why this is important? The wealth of evidence shows that there was clear motive for witnesses, including Jeremy Bamber’s Uncle, Robert Boutflour to lie on oath in order to achieve the conviction. This was the only way they would inherit from June’s, Nevill’s and Sheila’s estates. This was undisclosed to the court when the jury asked if they had motive. This links to issue 1.

Brand new forensic reports have been obtained to support a range of grounds within the main Issues.